Supplements by Dr. Ketevan Shavliashvili

As a medical doctor and practitioner of functional medicine, our founder recognized the need for high-quality, evidence-based supplements that are tailored to the unique needs of each individual. Through her extensive experience in medicine and staying up-to-date with the latest scientific research, she observed the limitations of many of the existing supplements on the market. To address this gap, she decided to create her own line of supplements that are carefully formulated to support optimal health and wellness.

What sets our supplements apart is our commitment to using only the highest quality ingredients that are backed by scientific evidence. Each supplement is formulated to address specific health concerns and to optimize nutrient absorption and utilization. Our founder's expertise in functional medicine and health coaching also means that we provide personalized support to our customers, helping them to achieve their health goals and transform their lives. When you choose our supplements, you can rest assured that you are receiving the best possible care and support for your health and wellness journey.